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mia.l@networkretentions.com or complete the form below.
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Why upgrade with us again?
Well for most it will need no explanation. We improve the customer experience through outstanding personal service whilst offering the most competitive pricing. As tariffs & pricing are always set at network level, so are fixed, you can be 100% certain of getting the most competitive deal. We are able to upgrade our clients up to six months before the network call centres or any third party. There are no hidden or extra costs when we handle your next upgrade, you simply benefit from a better service than you would expect from large call centres. For total peace of mind throughout the contract term, our clients are also fully supported by the network directly meaning there is no conceivable down side. So why not upgrade with us when it makes more sense to be loyal?
**NEW** Discounted SIM ONLY offers
We have some of the most competitive & exclusive unlimited SIM ONLY tariffs available in the market!
Why our upgrades are better.
With more than 10 years upgrading and serving thousands of business customers, our focus is firmly on the retention of our existing clients by providing a personal service and which delights our loyal customers. Lead by an experienced, close and capable team - we truly believe in offering a better and faster service than network call centers, should we ever fall short of this standard - we simply would not deserve your continued custom. We have enjoyed long term success by delivering a 5 star service as standard, developing long term relationships which adds value to what is otherwise a commodity provided by often transient call center operatives.
Why it pays to stay with EE?
The days of changing network to save costs are long since over, if they ever really existed.
Network authorised stockists.
In addition to network direct approved handsets, we are able to source a full range of sim free handsets from the UK's largest distributors covering all leading manufactures.